Thursday , March 20 2025

1962 356B Porsche Restoration Project Current Status

(Hey! We just sold a supa fly 1959 Porsche 356A
and a stellar 1965 Porsche 356C)

Take a look at our Porsche for sale section for more air-cooled Porsche for Sale!

Or, click for photos on the 1959 356a Porsche and the 1965 356c Porsche

1959 356A Porsche 1965 356C Porsche

restored porsche 356classic porsche

Above Photos are from the German Car Fest June 12th, 2006 St. Paul, MN (Photos by John Snell)

The Current Restoration Status:

1962 356B Porsche Restoration
Started Jan. 2006

porsche 356 paintedporsche 356 painted

A Brief Overview

9/19/06. Here’s the Porsche 356 in Black Epoxy Primer.
And 7/26/06 Another 9 hr day…. Here’s me after a shower.

karmann ghia and porsche 356john restores a porsche 356June 13th. Finally Stripping has Commenced!! (I meant PAINT stripping John)

porsche 356 sandedporsche restoration



welding complete on the porsche restoration

The First Pictures upon Delivery

porsche 356 in the yardporsche 356 in the garage

~A New Home~

Here it is the first day at my house. The old Minnesota 356 had been sitting in a barn since I was born(1973)!! At one point (late 1990’s?) the car was sold at an auction with the original motor in a box. There was also an old VW Beetle sold at the auction (with its motor in a box). See where this is going?

Well, the new Porsche owner unknowingly walked away with an early 60’s VW 40 horse motor (which is not the most desirable VW motor even when it’s assembled). As far as the highest bidder of the Early 60’s VW Beetle? Very happy I would suspect. Well, I have found a 1962 356B motor here in the Twin Cities and I hope to take delivery of it within a few weeks (first wrote that months ago, and I STILL hope to get it…sometime). I wonder if it’s this car’s original motor! How far can a motor get without a car anyway? It’s only been…10 years or so.

356b porsche original condition356b porsche pre restoration

I wanted to get a good look at how rusty the bottom of the car was so I pushed it into my garage to jack it up. But it was so much work to jack up the rusty, low Porsche that I thought to myself, “Mights well restore it now that I got 2 hours invested getting it up on jack stands”. My poor 1962 Karmann Ghia Convertible will have to wait.

It’s fun having 2 ’62 sports cars from the Karmann Factory! They’ll be a mighty fine pair when they’re both done. I’m John Snell the Tenth and I plan to put a racing circle with a big “10” on the side doors of both cars. They’ll be a nice, matched pair. Red Porsche 356 and Orange Karmann Ghia. What’a ya think?

grub worms

Removing the seats and carpet reveled a lot of rust and about 25 LIVE GRUB WORMS! No Wonder the car Stunk SO BADLY!

(The Mold in the carpet didn’t help the fragrance either, but I got the car at a good price.)


Go to Porsche Restoration page 2
for more pictures detailing
floor & wheel well rust repair


See Porsche Restoration Page 2 for Rust Repair.

See Porsche Restoration Page 3 for More Rust Repair!

See Page 4 for Stripping! Ooo. Racy. (paint strip)

See Page 5 for panel straightening & priming!

Porsche Restoration Page 6 is HERE! Paint Job!

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