Thursday , March 20 2025

1962 356B Porsche Restoration: Removing the Old Paint

1962 356B Porsche Restoration Continued…
Page 4

porsche restoration

So now that all the welding is done, off with the “paint”!

Spray Paint Secrets Video Banner

June 13th, 2006. Finally Stripping has Commenced! PAINT stripping, that is. I mostly used the DA (duel action sander–not the district attorney). I did use some paint stripper on the rear of the car. Both methods seemed to take forever…I used a hammer and dolly to hammer out dents along the way.

paint stripping a porsche 356paint stripping in progress

paint stripping a porsche 356paint stripping a porsche 356

paint stripping complete

And after WEEKS and weeks of sanding, I found its birthday suit. 1962 suit.
Pretty valuable suit.

porsche 356 ready for primerporsche 356 ready for primer

A stud welder was used to pull dents that couldn’t be reached from the backside. The stud welder is the orange tool in the above photo
(and the guy from page 5).

pulling dents one a porsche 356pulling dents one a porsche 356

porsche 356 in my garage

That only took about 3 weeks!

Did it take you that long to scroll through all these pages?

porsche 356 restoration project paint stripped

The next porsche restoration page is the
final straightening before paint