Tuesday , March 25 2025

1962 356B Porsche Restoration Project continued, Page 5

Once I got the car down to bare metal and hammered as straight as possible, it was time to add thin layers of filler to take care of any remaining low spots. Here’s July 26th, 2006 after another 9 hr day…I’m getting the car flat and smooth before I apply any primer. Here’s me after a shower.

porsche restoration project

porsche restoration welding doneporsche restoration welding done

Once all of the welding was done I could put the car back on the ground. It had been up on jack stands for about 7 months!

porsche restoration welding done

This is why I needed a shower:

adding filler to my porsche 356porsche 356 front finished

Porsche 356 ready for primerPorsche 356 ready for primer

And this shot is right before priming with epoxy primer…

porsche 356 before primer

porsche 356 before primer

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September 19th, 2006. I Finally got ‘er primed! (Funny how EVERY update starts with “Finally”, but man, this is a lot of work). The black is an epoxy self-etching primer.

black is an epoxy self-etching primerblack is an epoxy self-etching primer

my garage karmann ghia, porsche and vw beetleporsche 356 in the garage

I followed that up 30 minutes later with 3 coats of Gray sandable Urethane primer. Boy–looks kinda shiny finally!

porsche 356 in primerporsche 356 in primer

porsche restoration project

And next, the most colorful porsche restoration
page thus far, Page 6! Paint!