Tuesday , March 18 2025

1957 VW Oval Window Beetle Restoration

This car was purchased at J.A.C Auto’s Vintage Volkswagen Weekend. It was already my 3rd collector car and I was only 21!

This was a South Dakota car, which meant it had far less rust than a classic from Minnesota (due to South Dakota’s use of wood chips and sand vs. MN’s use of SALT to assist in winter driving). My Uncle (owner of JAC Auto) is quite the Vintage Enthusiast. He got me into vintage volkswagens, and he has had 3 1952 zwitter split window beetles since the 1980s..as well as several Oval Window Beetles.

When I first saw this Oval I could hardly believe it was for sale! What a dream come true. It was on a junk 1974 Chassis and needed a lot of welding (for someone who had never welded before), but the area under the rear seat served as an inconspicuous area to learn the trade. As luck would have it, a 1956 oval window parts car showed up for sale at the same show! My Uncle bought that car and graciously let me take anything I needed from it for one, low price. As a result, I immediately got an original 3 tab hood, a complete interior and two correct oval window fenders to add to my new project! Here are some photos explaining the work I’ve done over the years:

Spray Paint Secrets Video Banner

1957 Oval Window VWVW oval window pre restoration

Very First Pictures. I took these shots after my Uncle and I pushed my new Oval out of the show area.

VW Oval window projectVW squirrels nestVW oval window restoration project

Those are Pine Cones thanks to Mr. Squirrel!!
vw rust repairrusty beetle underbody

We’re already at 1998 now! I’ve become quite a professional, and good thing because in order to weld in the new bumper mounts (sheet metal), the rear apron needs to come off and be put back on to match up perfectly with the rear lid, both fenders and the bumper. After lots of clamping and fitting I was able to attain a perfect match.

VW oval window restorationrusty vw oval window engine bayrusty vw oval window

VW oval window undersideVW oval window restoration

1957 Oval Window VW car show

First Car Show–1998!! I even took home a trophy! This photo shows correct rear fenders and a new driver’s door. There was plenty of work to do so take a look at page two for more of the restoration on my Oval Window Beetle…

More Photos and More progress on
VW Oval Window Restoration page two

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Check back often for 1957 VW Oval Window Sunroof Restoration Progress