Tuesday , March 25 2025

1957 VW Oval Window Sunroof Beetle Restoration

I bought this Oval Window when I was only 21. I already had a ’74 Super Beetle as my daily driver, and I had purchased a Thing when I was 17 from the couple down the street. So I was already up to three cars. Yikes.

Well, my Uncle Jerry Coffin has always had at least 15 air-cooled VW’s ever since I’ve known ’em, so I was excited to get collecting. I still have the Thing Too! My Dad, John Snell the Ninth, says I collect cars like other people collect stamps.

So, lezz continue at the fall of 1998:

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oval window beatle restorationoval window beetle restoration

So I have the rear apron with new bumper mounts welded back on. Let’s Clean up those wheel wells n get’em ready for paint!

John restores his vw oval window

I took This shot myself. (It’s part of my Self Portrait Series.) Pressed the timer button and slid back, I did.

oval window beatleoval window beatle restoration

I had to weld up about 12 holes in the trunk (See the Passenger-side wheel well hump?). It had been fitted with a gas heater. That’s a new front apron as well…

VW oval window restorationoval window restoration project

Come back soon for more photos of this restoration. I’ll document everything in between the above photos and this:

1957 Oval Window VW1957 oval window

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Check back often for 1957 VW Oval Window Sunroof Restoration Progress